When you arrive at the McConnell Arts Center, you will be greeted at the main doors by members of our Board. They will walk you up the stairs and will get you music and some basic information so we can follow-up with you to see what you thought of the first rehearsal (to save some time, you can register in advance here ::INSERT LINK::). Once you have your music, and a name tag, they will show you into the theater where Gwendolyn, our Music Director, will show you where each section is to sit. At 6:00pm we will begin doing some vocalizations. The first hour will be on overall vocal health, exercises, listening, balance and blending.

Just before 7:00, we will stop for some announcements and further introductions of the board members. Then, from 7:00-7:30pm, Gwendolyn will do voice assessments for as many people as she can get through. Please know this is NOT an audition, rather a chance to hear what each singer’s range is and to get to know them a little better. When you’re not doing an assessment, you can get to know your fellow choir members in the theater, have some snacks, and use the restroom.
From 7:30-8:30pm we will dive into the music; focusing mainly on unison sections and rhythms that each section can practice as final divisi won’t be decided until 10/02 when membership closes. If you choose to become a member, you can find more information here ::INSERT LINK TO MEMBERSHIP PAGE:: and will receive practice tracks so you can practice on your own between rehearsals!